(b) Yes tensile strength is greatly reduced due to the aging process. In the figure, “×” represents the “No aging” group and “◦” represents the “Aging” group. (c) Sample median is the 8th value, after the data is sorted from smallest to largest: 3.6. Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis 1.1 (a) 15. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists 9th Edition Walpole SOLUTIONS MANUAL Full download: Ĭontents 1 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysisģ Random Variables and Probability Distributionsĥ Some Discrete Probability DistributionsĦ Some Continuous Probability DistributionsĨ Fundamental Sampling Distributions and Data Descriptionsĩ One- and Two-Sample Estimation Problemsġ0 One- and Two-Sample Tests of Hypothesesġ1 Simple Linear Regression and Correlationġ2 Multiple Linear Regression and Certain Nonlinear Regression Modelsġ4 Factorial Experiments (Two or More Factors)ġ5 2k Factorial Experiments and Fractions